Tuesday 13 October 2020



I woke up at 5 am and it was dark outside. The time went by and soon it was 10 am and it was still dark. I wondered what happened...

It was all over the morning news, in every News Paper. The headline read, " THE SUN NO MORE"


Well, The 🌞 Sun decided not to shine. It THOUGHT it was the MOON and therefore WANTED to be the 🌕 moon.  

Mars and Saturn decided to leave their orbits and cross over to be together because they felt they were attracted to each other...

Moon was confused and so was the Universe. There was utter chaos in the Galaxy. 

Meteor showers, black holes with planets being sucked into it. It was CATASTROPHIC...

Meanwhile here on our own Planet Earth 🌎, The whale 🐳 wanted to be the Elephant 🐘 and swam out of water. Unable to survive outside its ordained surrounding, it fell dead. The Giraffe thought he would take a swim and be an alligator 🐊... The lion was barking like a dog 🐶, while the eagle 🦅 was quacking like the duck 🦆. 

The ducklings, eaglets, the calves and cubs were stunned at such a bizarre change. 

That's just my imagination. Thank God we don't see this happening in reality...

Every creation in the known Universe has an order and a particular role to play and are doing so accordingly, in sync with the plans of the CREATOR...

BUT MAN... Who was made in the image of God, male and female have started to go against the order. Rebelling against the CREATOR and his law...

Man becomes a woman and vise versa. Gender becomes a multitude choice with  one option that says "prefer not to tell". Man and man get married... Woman and woman have a relationship... Older people are attracted to young children and is termed as normal. 

Marital status is complicated -Married/ Staying together/ Single/ Divorced.

Sexuality becomes a hard choice -Homosexual/ Bisexual/ Heterosexual/ Other (what more can we add) / Prefer not to say

Everything that's normal and was made from the beginning looks abnormal while everything that's perverted has become the new norm.

The next generation stands confused and identity becomes an issue...

Why can't humans learn the basics of #ORDER and #OBEDIENCE from animals and the Universe around them. 

Why can't we be what God has made us to be? MAN AND WOMAN IN HIS IMAGE

Why do we rebel, disobey and behave ruthlessly?

Its time to rethink our choices and freedom and do what is RIGHT.

Sunday 28 July 2019

The HUG that made a difference

Our second son was up early. He had a goodnight rest. But the slightest disappointment at the beginning of the day set him on a grumpy, irritated mood. He was angry at everything and thought the whole world was against him.. well..as a 8 year old he is full of drama ( I think he gets it from his mother 😊) . He could not get his piano lessons right so he thought he'll never be good at it. And his behavior only got worse with the thought.

By 11 am he was sent to the bedroom twice for trying to kick his younger brother and once for a nasty attitude towards the Father.

I was preparing lunch by now and was wondering what must I do to get this little one to settle when I was promoted in my heart one thing... The thing that matters the most.

At this point he was getting ready to read a book as suggested earlier and I signalled him to come to me... Reluctantly he walked, not expecting what is in for him by this bidding from me...

I just reached out and gave him a BIG HUG. He resisted for a second and then threw his arms around and hugged me back... I held him like that for a while, then kissed him on his head and sent him back... We never spoke a word. He went to the couch and resumed his reading and in few minutes dozed off peacefully

And that's when it struck me hard... How many times we carry all our burdens, disappointments, failures and walk around slouching and upset, trying to make it better, being busy at getting things rightly done and in all the hustle and bustle of life we ignore that gentle call from God. We think, " oh well am not in a mood to pray for anyone or anything and I don't feel like praising God either. So let it be" and we move on with all the aches and pains... When ALL GOD WANTS TO DO IS, WRAP HIS HUGE LOVING ARMS AROUND US AND GIVE US A HUG. A hug that will make us breathe. Not a word spoken... JUST A HUG to And let us know that ITS GONNA BE FINE. And then suddenly everything is fine. We can relax, Rest and be restored.

Well the issues might still linger..but the peace that passeth all understanding is back. And we can see more clearly and make the right choices and steer the right direction. And it took A HUG AND SIMPLE YET LOVING HUG FROM THE FATHER UP ABOVE ❤️❤️💕
 And no matter how old we grow...WE ALL NEED A HUG.

Friday 27 April 2018

Plea to Parents

I am writing this blog as a sincere plea to Christian ( TRUE FOLLOWERS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST) parents to wake up to reality. 

The world is moving towards more and more wickedness, its toleration to sinful ways in ever increasing and continuing. 

Gay and Lesbianism is approved, drugs in public is allowed, lewdness and sexual immorality is in an all time raise, drunkenness, addictions (substance and technology), rape, pornography are justified, lawlessness is the new cool, polygamy is the norm, families are disintegrating due to lack of time, prayerlessness is at an ever increasing phase and the list is never ending. 

In such a time as this, the only way that will keep us and our children safe and secure is God's word. The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy Chapter 13 verse 4, 


And in verse 5, " You MUST PURGE OUT THE EVIL from among you."

We will know the clear difference between good and evil only when we READ, STUDY, MEDITATE on God's Laws and commands that are there in the BIBLE. 

A deeper understanding of God will help us to walk upright before HIM. 



Increase on Technology and busyness at work has kept us from sitting down and spending time with our children

We have stopped taking time to be with our children and talk about GOD and HIS marvelous ways. We lecture them about their education, sports, talents and about their career and future but there is NO FUTURE for our children without GOD and HIS WAYS being instilled in their lives.

 Start it when they are young. Jews keep their children at home till 6 years and teach them all the laws of GOD, only then do they send them to schools. By 12 years a Jewish boy/girl will recite the TORAH ( the first 5 books of the law). They do this so that they do not depart from the laws of GOD but will Meditate upon it day and night and use it as a yardstick for their life. Please click this link for more information on how the Jews train in the scriptures.

Jews and Scripture ( Please read through)

Likewise, please take time everyday to read the BIBLE along with your children. 

1. We NEED to take time to talk to our children about GOD and HIS GREATNESS - MAKE HIM KNOWN TO THEM
2. We NEED to take time to study the BIBLE along with our children everyday. 
3. We NEED to encourage them to memorize the scriptures and we MUST do the same. ( LEAD BY EXAMPLE)
4. We NEED to teach them about what is pleasing to GOD and what is not. 
5. We NEED to show by example (SHARE WHAT WE LIVE)
6. Correct them and NOT condemn them. ( USE GOD'S WORD TO ADMONISH AND TEACH THEM THE PATH)
7. Pray for your SONS and DAUGHTERS and PRAY with them. 

If you do this, you and your children will have LIFE AND THAT IN ABUNDANCE. 

Let us ensure that our children make heaven their eternal home. 

 In Psalm 2 : 11-12, it is written: 

 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
Let us TEACH our children to FEAR GOD and to TRUST IN HIM. 
Having said all of the above, i plead with you dear mothers and fathers, please take this seriously and work with your children more fervently in teaching them what truly matters in life- GOD. 
#praying for a spiritual awakening in your family. 
May LOVE, JOY, UNITY and PEACE abound in your household as you begin to seek GOD together as ONE FAMILY. SHALOM

Monday 19 March 2018



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First of all, I thank God for schools. Hats off to the teachers who handle our children patiently for 10 months and accomplish so much more in that 3 to 8 hours. They mold, shape and encourage our children.

1. Handling the noise: Teach your child that screaming and throwing a fit is not a good behavior. Ignore high intensified demanding screams and yelling from the child. Tell them that you will only listen if they are gentle and polite.

                                           Image result for children screaming                                                 

2. Running around the house: Let's give that child a break.. they can't go out because its HOT and NOT SAFE...They need a place to vent out ALL of that energy. I would say, LET THEM RUN, only make sure you take all breakable items from around your house.

Another option: Take them out to a park or a play area every day with adult supervision.

                                   Image result for children running around in the house

3. Fighting and Complaining: Ok, so this is how it works at our home. During holidays, i call my three boys in the morning and tell them that they can play and have fun, but if i hear them fight or complain then the rod of correction will be imparted on all three. They try their best to sort out their petty issues. When it gets big and out of control, then they bring it to me and i discipline the child who really needs correction.

Teach them to love one another and to care for each other.

4. Food Demand: There is no way we can curb this. Children are growing and they need food. Avoid giving junk food. Its easy to do that. Bake some goodies and treats and store them. Encourage the children to eat fruits and vegetables and drink a lot of water.

5. Television: Avoid letting them watch too much Television. Using mobile and laptop is no excuse. Engage them in READING books. Take them to a library and teach them to read. Spend time with YOUR CHILD and do some craft activities. You can get lots and lots of ideas from pinterest.

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6. DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO GO ALONE: Times are not the same. We don't know what danger lurks around which corner. Especially Parents living in Huge Apartments, DO NOT LET YOUR CHILD GO IN THE ELEVATOR ALONE. When they are playing with their friends always ensure that you are there with them, or you do a flying visit every now and then. Irrespective of age, children are exposed to sexual content and due to curiosity will want to try it out on another child and that child might be YOURS. This will be right time to remind them about good and bad touch and ask them to inform everything that happens in the play area in your absence.

Also when young children (10- 16) want to go out with friends, please be responsible and assign an adult to accompany them. Drug Dealers are every where lurking in every corner and you do not know what the child will be exposed to. If 10 children are going , parents talk to each other and have at least two mothers or fathers who will drive them to their destination. Children need to know that parents care for them and WILL NOT LET THEM LOOSE like wild animals, but provide them a safe environment while growing up.

                                                 Image result for children fighting with each other   

7. SUMMER CAMP: Find a nearby place that offers a good summer camp and let them go during the day.

8. FAMILY TRIP: Even you need a break from all the hectic housework and office schedule. Leave everything behind and take your children to an affordable trip. Make it count. No phones, no laptops, no work, no arguments...ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY. You need them and They need you.

Let's make this summer memorable for us and our children. #goodmemories

Friday 16 February 2018


Today ( 16th of February 2018), I was invited to be a judge for a fancy dress competition for children with special needs. The Scripture Union director shared the story of Punchinello. This story is from YOU ARE SPECIAL by Max Lucado

I encourage you to read this story slowly.

The Wemmicks were small wooden people. These little wooden people were carved by a woodworker named "Eli." Eli's workshop sat on a hill overlooking the Wemmick Village. Every one of the Wemmicks were different. Some had big noses, others had large eyes. Some were tall and others were short. Some wore hats, others wore coats. But all were made by the same carver and all lived in the same village.

All day long, every day, the Wemmicks did the same thing. They gave each other stickers. Each Wemmick had a box of golden star stickers and a box of dull gray dot stickers. Up and down the streets all over the city, people could be seen sticking gold stars or gray dots onto each other. The pretty ones, those with smooth wood and fine paint, always got shiny gold stars! But if the wood was rough or the paint was chipped, the Wemmicks gave dull gray dots. The talented ones got stars, too. Some could lift big sticks high above their heads or jump over tall boxes. Still others knew big words or could sing very pretty songs. Everyone gave them shiny gold stars! Some Wemmicks had stars all over them! Every time they got a star it made them feel so good that they did something else and got another star.

There were many other Wemmicks though that could do very little. They got dull gray dots! There was one little Wemmick and his name was "Punchinello." He tried to jump high like the others, but he always fell. And when he fell, the others would gather 'round and give him dull gray dots. Sometimes when he fell, it would scar his wood, so the people would give him more gray dots. He would try to explain why he fell and, in doing so, he would say something really silly. Then the Wemmicks would give him some more dots!!!

After a while, Punchinello had so many dots that he didn't want to go outside. He was afraid he would do something dumb such as forget his hat or step in the water, and then people would give him more dull gray dots. In fact, he had so many gray dots that some people would come up and just give him one without any reason! "He deserves lots of dots," they would say. The wooden people would agree with one another. "He's not a good wooden person," they would say.

After a while Punchinello believed them. "I am not a good Wemmick!" he would say. The few times he went outside, he hung around other Wemmicks who had a lot of gray dots. At least he felt better around them.

One day, Punchinello met a Wemmick who was unlike any he'd ever met. She had no dull gray dots and did not have any shiny golden stars either. She was a wooden Wemmick and her name was "Lucia." It wasn't that people didn't try to give her stickers; it's just that the stickers didn't stick to her!!! Some admired Lucia for having no dots, so they would run up and give her a star. But it would fall off. Some would look down on her for having no stars, so they would give her a dot. But they would not stick either!!!

"That's the way I want to be!" thought Punchinello. "I don't want anyone's marks!" So he asked the "stickerless" Wemmick how she did it. "It's easy," Lucia replied. "Every day I go see Eli." Punchinello asked,"Eli? Who is Eli?" She replied "Yes, Eli, He is the woodcarver. I sit in His workshop and spend time with Him." He asked Lucia,"Why do you do that?" Lucia told him, "Why don't you find out for yourself? Go up the hill and visit with Him. He's there!" And with that, the sweet little Wemmick named Lucia turned and skipped away.

"But He won't want to see me!" Punchinello cried out to her. Lucia didn't hear him, as she was too far away. So Punchinello went home. He sat near a window and watched the wooden people as they scurried around giving each other gold stars and gray dots. "It's just not right," he muttered to himself. Then he resolved to go see Eli after all. Punchinello walked up the narrow path to the top of the hill and stepped into the big Woodcarver Shop. His little wooden eyes widened at the size of everything. The stool was as tall as he was. He had to stretch on his tippy-toes to see the top of the workbench. A hammer was as long as his arm. Punchinello swallowed hard and thought to himself, "I'm not staying here!" and he turned to leave. Then he heard his name. "Punchinello?" said this voice, so deep and strong. Just then Punchinello stopped. The voice said, "Punchinello, oh how good it is of you to come! Let me have a look at you."

Punchinello slowly turned around and looked at the large bearded craftsman and said, "Sir, you know my name?" "Of course I do. I made you," Eli said. All of a sudden, Eli stooped down and picked little Punchinello up and set him on the workbench. "Hmmmmm," the Maker spoke thoughtfully as he inspected the gray circles all over him, "Looks like you've been given some bad marks." Punchinello explained,"Oh, Eli, I didn't mean to; really I didn't!!! I really tried hard not to."
The Maker said, "Oh, you don't have to defend yourself to me, my child. I don't care what the other Wemmicks think." Punchinello asked, "Really? You don't?" Then Eli said, "No and you shouldn't either. Who are they to give stars or dots? They are Wemmicks just like you. What they think really doesn't matter at all, Punchinello. All that matters is what I think. And I think you are pretty special." Punchinello laughed, "Oh, me special? How can I be special? I can't walk fast. I can't jump. My paint is peeling. I make silly mistakes all the time and I am not a beautiful Wemmick like some of the others. How could I matter to you?" Eli looked at Punchinello and put his hands on those little wooden shoulders of his and spoke very slowly, "Because Punchinello... you are mine. That's why you matter to me." Punchinello had never had anyone look at him like this before or say anything so nice, much less his Maker! He didn't know what to say!

"Punchinello, every day I've been waiting and hoping you would come to see me," Eli explained. Punchinello looked up at him and said, "I came because I met a sweet Wemmick girl who had no marks." Eli said, "I know. Lucia told me about you." So Punchinello asked, "Why don't the stickers stay on Lucia?" Eli said, "Because she has decided that what I think is more important than what anyone else thinks. The stickers only stick if you let them." Punchinello looked puzzled and said, "What?" Eli said, "Yes, the stickers only stick if they matter to you. The more you trust My love, the less you will care about those stickers." But Punchinello said, "I'm not sure I really understand. What you are saying?" The maker said, "You will, but it will take some time. You've got a lot of marks. So for now, just come to see me every day and let me remind you how much I care about you." Eli lifted Punchinello off the bench and set him on the floor. "Now remember," Eli said as the Wemmick walked out the door. "You ARE special because I made you, and I don't make mistakes."

Punchinello didn't stop, but in his heart he thought, "I think He really means it." And each time he remembered what Eli told him and each time he went to visit and talk with Eli, one of Punchinello's dots would fall off. They kept falling off and soon they were all gone!!!

So like Punchinello, we must remember one thing: "Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart." (I Samuel 16:7)..... ✨ ✨

  • As I sat there listening to this story I realized that many times we bear the scars of what others think about us. We always want to measure up to others and feel we are not Good mothers, sisters, daughters because someone would have passed on their opinion about us. It really doesn't matter what others think you are.. IT ONLY MATTERS WHAT GOD THINKS ABOUT YOU AND TO HIM YOU ARE PRECIOUS.. TO HIM YOU ARE SPECIAL.. TO HIM YOU ARE HIS VERY OWN…

And surrounded by children with special needs with such beautiful smiles and an excellent attitude, with talents and joy, I realized that it's not how you are but what you are meant to be that makes YOU SPECIAL…

I was overwhelmed with their disability to walk or to talk clearly but they just did not want my sympathy.. They wanted my acceptance of their existence… They wanted to be acknowledged, greeted with a smile, congratulated on their achievements and loved like everyone else.

While we are trying to fix our lives and cope up with being SPECIAL TO GOD , let's also make someone FEEL SPECIAL and LOVED… ✨ ✨ let's spread God's love and care for those who are neglected in society.


Friday 9 February 2018

SORRY ... The most powerful word and FORGIVENESS... The most powerful act

I work with children and many times in a day, one of them comes to me with tears down their cheeks and say, " aunty he poked me in the eye" or "she pushed me and I got hurt" or "he fought with me and I don't want to be his friend anymore"...

During these moments, I ask them what happened and request the other person involved to say SORRY... And in the twinkling of an eye the magical word is said, tears disappear and smiles and giggles and friendships are back in the game....

And I wondered, 'It's that simple... No bitterness... No hatred... No anger retention...No unforgiveness, all I hear is THAT'S OK'.

There are times both parties get to say SORRY, even if it is not their fault.. And without any inhibitions the words come out of the mouth....✨ ✨ and the environment is back to joy and laughter

The hurt is gone... The pain disappeared... There is no ego... Wow...

Life is so simple and full of love. As adults we complicate it a lot by holding on to grudges and hurts. If we can learn to be like these small children our world will surely be a better place.

The Bible tells us to be " QUICK TO FORGIVE AND SLOW TO ANGER" and I get to learn this first hand by watching these children, who are 3 and 4 years old.
When I look at these babies I realize that they have a much pure and strong heart and an even greater character than me.. I need to learn how to forgive and SAY SORRY... just like them...

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Woman, thou art Fashioned

Finally the much desired blog is here. I want to use this space to encourage Women to be what they are meant to be. 

Genesis 2: 22, "And the rib which the LORD GOD had taken from the man He made(FASHIONED, Formed)into a woman..."

In a time when woman are fighting to prove equal to a man and struggling against all odds, i am writing this to encourage you and let you know that YOU ARE SPECIAL AND ARE FASHIONED BY GOD.

You are designed to be strong, and sensitive
Passionate and impulsive,
Patient and Productive,
Tenacious and talkative,
Energetic and Emotional,
Kind and Gentle,
A Mother, a sister, A wife like no other,
Loving and Living Life to the fullest
and there is only 1 YOU.

When there is so much about you and in you, why do you want to compete to be something that you are not meant to be. 

There is no need for a woman to try to wear a man's shoes or try to scale up to a man because a woman can wear a lot of shoes and play multiple roles. 



                            I woke up at 5 am and it was dark outside. The time went by and soon it was 10 am and it was still dark. I wonde...